
Comfort Bear

The Aching Arms Bears – a tangible comfort during a heart-breaking time.

Many parents who have experienced the loss of a baby during pregnancy, at birth or shortly afterwards, find comfort in receiving the gift of an Aching Arms Bear. Each beautiful bear wears a personalised, handwritten label with the name of the baby in whose memory the bear was dedicated.

It is our hope that each bear is a comforter to hold, extends the hand of friendship from one family to another and connects families to those who can offer information, support and understanding.

Many families who receive a bear go on to dedicate an Aching Arms Bear in honour of their baby, which helps another bereaved family to know, just as they did, that they are not alone.

To request a bear, click here. 

To donate a bear, at £18 per bear, click here
Donate a Bear

Please note you may donate as many bears as you wish.

We have a dedicated Facebook group for our Aching Arms Bears, this is where families can post a thank you message along with a photo of their Aching Arms Bear / dedication tag they have received. You can make a request to join here. Please note, there is no obligation to join this group or to post a message. 

Click here to download our Aching Arms general leaflet (PDF) or here for the leaflet in Welsh (PDF).

Click here to download our Parents Leaflet (PDF) or here for the leaflet in Welsh (PDF)

Dandelion Bear

From time to time, bereaved parents ask us to send a bear to siblings, grandparents or other family members who are in need of some comfort.  In 2020, we launched our very own Dandelion Bear for this purpose.  Unlike our Aching Arms Bear, which is gifted to bereaved parents, Dandelion is undedicated and available to buy in our online shop.

Dandelion Bear is just as huggable as our Aching Arms bear.  It is 17cm in size, is wearing an Aching Arms t-shirt and comes in a hand stamped drawstring cotton bag. This bear makes a wonderful gift for anyone and all proceeds go towards helping us to continue to support families after the loss of a baby.

Click here to purchase Dandelion Bear.

When I received a bear donated by the parents of Lucas, I did not know them, nor did I have the pleasure of ever meeting their baby Lucas, but I instantly felt as though I wasn’t alone.

Supporting Arms 07464 508994      support@achingarms.co.uk

  • Registered Charity No: 1153296